How To Enroll In Pag Ibig Mp2?

If you’re looking for an excellent way to save money, then you should definitely consider enrolling in the Pag-IBIG MP2 program. This program is offered by the Philippine government and it has been designed to help people save while earning returns on their savings at the same time. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you understand how to enroll in this program.

How To Enroll In Pag Ibig Mp2?

To enroll in the Pag-IBIG MP2 program, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Verify your Eligibility: Before enrolling in the MP2 program, you will need to confirm that you are eligible. To be eligible for the Pag-IBIG MP2 program, you must be a Pag-IBIG member and have a valid Pag-IBIG Loyalty Card (PLC).
  2. Visit a Pag-IBIG Fund branch: Go to the nearest Pag-IBIG Fund branch and inform the customer service representative that you would like to enroll in the MP2 program.
  3. Fill out an application form: Obtain a copy of the MP2 Savings Program Application Form, fill it out completely and truthfully.
  4. Submit the requirements: Along with the application form, you will need to submit the following requirements:
  • Two valid government-issued IDs
  • Original and photocopy of Pag-IBIG Loyalty Card (PLC)
  • Original and photocopy of Proof of Billing (PO)
  • Original and photocopy of Birth Certificate (if applicable)
  1. Make an initial deposit: After submitting the application form and the required documents, you will need to make an initial deposit of at least PHP 500.
  2. Wait for your Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings Program ID: Pag-IBIG Fund will issue an MP2 Savings Program ID after the processing of your application, which will serve as your proof of membership to the program.
  3. Schedule your contributions: Once you’ve enrolled in the program, you can schedule your contributions on a one-time or regular (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual) basis.

Related:- Pag-IBIG MP2 Calculator

It’s important to note that you must maintain a minimum balance of PHP 500 in your MP2 savings account in order to maintain its validity. The Pag-IBIG Fund reserves the right to close or cancel your account if the balance falls below the minimum amount.

Step 1 – Get an MDF (Multi-Purpose Loan) Access Card or Number

The first thing you need to do is apply for a Multi-Purpose loan access card or number. You can do this by registering online or visiting any Pag-IBIG branch office. When applying, make sure that you provide all of the required information correctly and accurately so that your application can be processed quickly and efficiently.

Step 2 – Submit Your Application for MP2 Savings Program

Once you have your access card or number, the next step is to submit your application for MP2 savings program. This application can also be done online or at any Pag-IBIG office. Make sure that all documents are complete and accurate before submitting them as incomplete applications can delay the process significantly.

Step 3 – Deposit Your Money into Your MP2 Account Once your application has been approved

you will receive an activation code which will allow you to open your account in the Pag-IBIG Fund website. After your account has been created, it’s time to deposit your money into it! You can deposit as little as Php 500 up to a maximum of Php 100 000 per month into your account via check, debit card, credit card or bank transfer. The funds will then be invested according to preselected options such as bonds, stocks and mutual funds which offer higher returns than traditional bank deposits do.

In addition, after every 6 months of uninterrupted contribution into your MP2 account (but not exceeding 5 years), you are eligible for a dividend which will vary depending on how much profit was earned from the investments made with your money during that period of time. The dividends can be withdrawn directly from your account or reinvested back into it if desired.


Enrolling in Pag Ibig MP2 is an excellent way for Filipinos to save money while still earning returns on their savings at the same time! By following these steps outlined above, you should have no problem understanding how to enroll in this program so that you can start taking advantage of its benefits today! So what are you waiting for? Start saving now!


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